Bad Credit Auto Loans in Everett
January 8, 2015
While it is certainly possible to apply for and even obtain bad credit auto loans in Everett from a variety of sources in Western Washington, it is in your best interest to try to rebuild or boost your credit before seeking pre-owned car financing. This can land you a less expensive interest rate and you will be able to buy more car for your money.
There are several unique ways to improve your credit score if you are able to wait a little while before purchasing a used car.
- Make it a goal to pay all of your bills on time. Collection notices and late payments do not bode well for your credit rating, and can significantly lower the score.
- Aggressively pay down high credit card balances and other revolving credit accounts.
- Open or apply for new credit accounts only if absolutely necessary. If possible, avoid the situation entirely.
- Rather than shifting debts around from card to card and other areas, pay off one debt at a time in full.
- Keep your debt to credit ratio less than 30%.
If there seems to be no feasible way to raise your credit score, contact Fresh Start Auto to locate the perfect pre-owned vehicle from our large inventory of affordable cars for sale and to discuss your options for securing financing. Our experienced and knowledgeable sales staff can effectively guide you through the used car buying process with a minimum of effort on our customers part.
Call Fresh Start Auto today at (888) 348-3290 with inquiries about our bad credit auto loans in Everett. We look forward to working with you to secure a vehicle with the financing that best meets your individual needs.